Dealing With Yellow Lights

When approaching an intersection, you may come across a traffic signal. When the light is green or red, it may be easy to know what to do. Green means go and red means stop. But what happens when the light is yellow?
Traditional knowledge may have you thinking that yellow means slow down. However, it’s not as simple as that. What you should do at a yellow light depends on various factors.
Probably the biggest factor is how far you are from the yellow light. If there are numerous cars in front of you, then it makes sense to slow down so you don’t end up running a red light.
But that’s not all you have to consider. You have to gauge what the vehicle in front of you is going to do. You may want to keep going, but perhaps the vehicle in front of you slows down. Then you need to slow down as well.
Studies also show that some drivers are more aggressive in their deceleration, while others may be more inclined to accelerate. This depends on factors such as the age and gender of the driver as well as weather conditions. For example, if the road is wet or icy, it may be unsafe to brake quickly.
There has been significant research involved in timing yellow lights at intersections. How long should a light last? But even when a light does last a longer amount of time, there will always be a dilemma zone. In fact, evidence shows that longer yellow lights actually increase the risk of a crash, especially if a driver is not expecting a light to last very long. No matter how long a light lasts, sometimes a driver may not immediately know what decision to make in terms of slowing down, keeping at the same speed, or even accelerating.
It’s easy when a vehicle is either very far away or very close to the light. When you’re close, you know you should continue through the light at your current speed because there is no way to stop without being in the intersection or causing an accident. If you are very far away from the light, then the best decision is to stop. There’s no decision involved.
Suddenly slamming on the brakes may be the first thing you think of doing, but the possible consequence is a rear-end collision. If you’re speeding, distracted or taking longer to react, you can get caught in the dilemma zone. You need to pull yourself out of that dilemma zone by either reacting quicker or being more aggressive on the brake pedal.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
A yellow traffic light can be a real dilemma for a driver. What is the best course of action for your situation?
Poor decisions on the roadways can lead to crashes. If you have been affected, seek legal help from a Houston car accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC. We will assess your case and help you make the right decisions. Call 281-347-3247 or fill out the online form to schedule a consultation.