Why Are Wrong-Way Crashes On The Rise?

Car crashes seem to occur on a daily basis in Houston. They happen in many ways, but in the past few years, there has been an increase in wrong-way crashes. Wrong-way accidents are especially concerning because they tend to occur at high speeds and result in head-on crashes, which are often deadly.
So why are more and more people traveling in the wrong direction? Is it really that hard to travel in the correct direction?
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, there are several reasons why wrong-way accidents are on the rise. These reasons are outlined in more detail below.
Alcohol Use
While heavy drinking is often associated with men, alcohol consumption increased among women between 2019 and 2020. There has also been an increase in regards to the number of days per week that both genders drink alcohol. This rise in alcohol use means more and more people are getting behind the wheel while intoxicated. And because alcohol use causes a lack of coordination and judgment, wrong-way crashes become more common.
Old Age
While wrong-way drivers can be of any age, older ones are more common. Data shows that those over the age of 70 are more likely to drive in the wrong direction. In the next few decades, the aging population is expected to grow significantly, which means the number of older drivers on the road will continue to increase. Older drivers tend to experience vision and hearing issues that can make it difficult to drive. Plus, cognitive issues can make it harder to drive. Many older drivers should not be driving, but some are stubborn and refuse to give up their keys and license. This means many incapable drivers are on the road.
Driving Solo
Wrong-way crashes tend to happen more frequently when drivers are alone. This is likely because there isn’t a passenger to help navigate and tell someone when they are doing something wrong. In fact, close to 87% of fatal wrong-way crashes are caused by a solo driver.
Roads should have adequate signage to help guide drivers and make it easier for them to avoid mistakes. Still, having passengers can be helpful in instances such as nighttime or low visibility.
States have the responsibility to put up signage and other warning systems to make it easier for drivers to recognize their mistake and correct it before an accident occurs.
Fatigue is another issue that solo drivers have to deal with, and being tired is often just as dangerous as alcohol. Solo drivers see an increased risk of falling asleep at the wheel or driving in the wrong direction.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Wrong-way crashes are often head-on accidents, which are typically catastrophic or fatal. If you have been a victim, seek legal help right away.
A Houston auto accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC can help you get full and fair compensation for your car crash. Get started with a free consultation. Fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247.