Texas Working To Keep Drunk Drivers Off The Road

Many Texans enjoy alcoholic beverages from time to time. Drinking behavior tends to rise around holidays, such as Labor Day. The Texas Department of Transportation worked with police departments throughout the state to keep drunk drivers off the road during the three-day weekend.
If you were driving around Texas this past weekend, you might have seen more police cars than usual. That’s because law enforcement presence was beefed up during the Labor Day holiday in an effort to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving.
Many law enforcement agencies are boosting enforcement and Waco Police Department is one of them. They are looking to identify and arrest drivers showing signs of driving under the influence. Their goal is to get drunk drivers off the road before they injure or kill someone.
The increased enforcement started on August 19 and ended on September 5. The campaign’s message to “drive sober, no regrets,” continues all year long, as drunk driving happens every day.
Even if police did manage to get a lot of drunk drivers off the road this holiday weekend, the fact remains that drunk driving is a problem in Texas all year long. Statistics show that 25% of traffic deaths in Texas are caused by drunk drivers. In 2021, drunk drivers caused 1,100 traffic-related deaths. Every year, the state sees 25,000 accidents caused by alcohol use.
What’s so frustrating is that alcohol-related traffic accidents are 100% preventable. Nowadays, there are rideshare apps such as Uber and Lyft that can pick up people and get them home safely. Those who are intoxicated can also ask sober friends and family members for a ride home, so there is no excuse for someone to drink and drive and put themselves and others in danger.
The Department of Transportation is urging those who have consumed any amount of alcohol to not get behind the wheel and drive. Even those who have had just one drink should not attempt to drive. People often underestimate how much they have had to drink and risking their life and license to get behind the wheel is just not worth it.
For the drunk driver, a first offense of DWI can result in a $2,000 fine. A person could also spend up to 180 days in jail and lose their driver’s license for up to a year. Subsequent offenses result in even stiffer penalties.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Drunk driving is a serious issue in Texas and other states. Alcohol intoxication is even worse around the holidays, putting all motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians at risk.
Have you been injured by a drunk driver? If so, contact a Houston drunk driving accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC. We understand the damages involved and will work to get you full compensation for someone else’s negligent behavior. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247.