Motorcyclist Killed In Houston Hit And Run Accident

Many people enjoy riding motorcycles, and while it can be a lot of fun, it can also be dangerous. Motorcyclists are often killed in collisions with vehicles. These accidents are even more devastating when the other driver flees the accident scene.
Sadly, this was recently the case in Houston, when a motorcyclist was killed in a hit and run crash. The fatal accident occurred on the evening of May 9 at the intersection of the SH-288 service road and Holly Hall.
The motorcyclist had the right of way. He was heading west through a green light on Holly Hall when he was hit by a vehicle. The vehicle was heading north on the service road when the driver ran a red light. Witnesses called 911, but the motorcycle rider died at the accident scene.
The driver fled the crash site. The vehicle is described as a light colored SUV or pickup truck. If caught, the driver will face charges of failure to stop and render aid.
Why Do Hit and Run Accidents Occur?
A driver may fail to stop at an accident scene for a variety of reasons. A common situation is that the motorist doesn’t have a driver’s license or insurance. They don’t want to face the consequences, since it’s illegal to not have these documents.
Distracted driving is another reason. The driver may be on their phone and not even realize that they hit someone. Road rage is another issue. The driver may be in a hurry and is driving aggressively when they hit someone, and since they’re in a hurry, they just keep on going.
Intoxication is another common reason for hit and run crashes. When a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, they lack judgment. They don’t think to stop and render aid after causing an accident, so they just keep on going.
Obligations Under Texas Law
After a Texas car accident involving injury or property damage, you’ll need to take certain actions to avoid a hit and run charge. Here’s what you need to do, depending on the type of crash.
- An accident involving injury or death. Stop and provide your personal information, show your driver’s license, and render medical aid.
- An accident involving damage to an occupied vehicle. Same as above.
- An accident involving damage to an unattended vehicle. Stop and try to locate the driver. Otherwise, leave a note on the windshield with your personal information.
- An accident involving damage to street fixtures. Try to find the property owner and give them your contact information. File a police report if the damage is more than $1,000.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Motorcycle accidents are often serious, resulting in catastrophic injuries and even death. If you are involved in such an accident, make sure you get the compensation you deserve.
The Houston motorcycle accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can help you with the process so you can focus on recovery. Call 281-347-3247 or fill out the online form and schedule a consultation.