Man Killed After Truck Crashes Into Tree

Many Houston car accidents occur when vehicles go off the road. Once a vehicle exits the roadway, it can go down an embankment or hit a person or object. When it hits an object, the results can be deadly.
Sadly, this was recently the case in Houston. A man was traveling on Barker Cypress Road when he went off the road for unknown reasons and collided with a tree. The man was killed in the crash.
The fatal accident occurred in the early morning hours of December 6 in northwest Harris County. The man—who was estimated to be between 30 and 40 years old—was driving a pickup truck in the 4300 block of Barker Cypress Road. He suddenly went off the road and hit a tree.
The pickup truck wrapped around the tree and split in half. The steering wheel and other parts were found strewn around the truck. The man died in the accident. Speed is believed to be a factor.
Collisions With Fixed Objects
Many accidents occur when vehicles collide with fixed objects. Trees are the most commonly hit object. Utility poles and traffic barriers came in second and third place, respectively. Other fixed objects include ditches, culverts, piers, buildings, walls, and fences. In 2019, 48% of fatalities from fixed-object crashes involved trees. This resulted in 3,496 deaths.
Nearly half of these collisions happen at night. Alcohol, speed, inattention, falling asleep, and poor visibility are the biggest factors.
The frequency and severity of tree crashes correlate to the tree’s location and proximity to the road. Studies show that fatal tree crashes are more common on local rural roads, with 90% of these crashes occurring on two-lane roads. Most accidents occur when the tree is within 12 feet from the road.
The risk of being killed in a crash involving a tree is roughly twice as high compared to other objects. This is because when a vehicle collides with a tree, all the energy is concentrated on a small part of the vehicle. Even though vehicles tend to have numerous safety features, they often have a limited effect. This means that occupants of vehicles still face a severe risk of catastrophic injury and death.
Therefore, it is up to the planning departments in cities and counties to make changes to the infrastructure in areas where there are trees. Replacing trees with bushes and shrubbery, which are softer, can be a safer alternative. If not, guard rails can also be used to avoid collisions with trees.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Car accidents can happen in a variety of ways. In many situations, excessive speed is to blame, especially when a vehicle hits a tree or other object.
No matter the reason, the Houston auto accident attorneys at the West Law Office, PLLC can help you with your car accident case. We’ll give you the legal advice you need so you can recover physically and financially. Schedule a free consultation by filling out the online form or calling 281-347-3247.