Driving on Roads vs. Highways

Car accidents happen on a daily basis. They can happen anywhere, from urban areas to rural roads. They can happen on surface streets and highways. But when it comes to roads vs. highways, which are safer?
First of all, let’s define what constitutes a road or a highway. Highways include freeways, interstates, and expressways, so they are multi-lane, high-speed roadways. Roads are defined as surface and local streets in towns and cities.
So which is safer? Here’s a synopsis: Accidents are more frequent on roads. However, crashes on highways cause more damage and fatalities due to higher speeds. Here’s a look at the elements of road driving vs. highway driving.
Road Driving
City and town roads are more dangerous due to the intersections. There is a lot going on, from pedestrians to bicycles to motorcycles. Drivers often ignore traffic signs and signals. Many drivers go too fast and are distracted by their phones. There are vehicles close to each other and you may have to deal with parked cars as well as vehicles looking for parking spots.
There’s a lot going on in different directions. There may be construction and heavy machinery blocking roads. Plus, you need to be on the lookout for emergency vehicles and be mindful of slower vehicles such as trucks and buses.
The layout is also different. There are narrow, heavily built-up areas. There are also unique roads such as one-way streets and traffic circles. In addition, there are more traffic rules to follow and lower speed limits, which can be a recipe for disaster.
Highway Driving
Highway driving may seem more dangerous due to the high speeds involved. You’re traveling at 65, 75, or more miles per hour. The good news is that freeway accidents happen less frequently but because of these high speeds, they are more deadly.
Still, there are many factors that make freeway driving safer overall. They include:
- Fewer distractions outside of the vehicle
- No pedestrian crossings
- No foot traffic or bicyclists to avoid
- Drivers heading straight forward, with no turns
- Fewer decisions to make
- All vehicles heading in the same direction
- All vehicles traveling at relatively consistent speeds
- No traffic lights
- Traffic in the opposite direction is separated
- Easier to anticipate other motorists’ actions
- Wider lanes and more room
- No parked cars to avoid
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
You may be scared of driving on the freeway at high speeds, but the reality is that it may be safer than city driving, which often has more rules and possible distractions.
Injured in a crash? Seek legal help from a Houston car accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC. We’ll help you with physical and financial recovery. Call 281-347-3247 or fill out the online form to schedule a consultation today.