Admitting Fault in a Car Accident

After a car crash, there’s a lot going through your mind. If you have never been through one before, you may not be sure what to say or do. Your first instinct may be to say “I’m sorry,” but these two words could actually ruin your case.
Even if you are pretty sure you caused the accident, apologizing is not the best course of action. It can be used against you, whether or not you were at fault. Here are several good reasons why you shouldn’t apologize or admit fault after a car accident.
You May Limit Your Recovery
Getting financial compensation after an accident is based on fault. If you show fault, you will limit your recovery. The compensation you receive will be limited by your degree of liability. In fact, Texas is a modified comparative negligence state, which means if you are found to be more than 50% to blame for an accident, you cannot recover any damages at all. So be careful what you say and let a lawyer or insurance company decide who is to blame.
You’re Not Required to Do So
Admitting fault is not required in a car accident, although it may seem dishonest to not apologize. Being honest won’t speed up the process. It’s not helpful at all. In fact, honesty can be detrimental to your case because an accident may involve many factors. You don’t really know for sure what caused it, so avoid saying “I’m sorry,” “I apologize,” “It was my fault,” or “I didn’t see the other driver.” The less you say, the better.
There May Be Missing Information
In a car accident, there are many possible elements involved. You can’t really know for sure if you caused the crash, even though you may truly think you did. The other driver may have been breaking the law by speeding or running a red light. Maybe they were distracted or using their smartphone at the time. Call the police and let them file a report. An officer will investigate and determine what really happened.
It’s Hard to Change Your Statement
Once you say something, it’s really hard to backtrack on a statement. Police officers and insurance companies may doubt you. It could even affect your credibility. So it’s better just to avoid speculation of any sort. Exchange information after a crash, but otherwise, say as little as possible. If you must make a statement, contact a lawyer first and have them guide you.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
You should never admit fault in a car accident. Determining liability is up to the insurance company; do not make the decision easy for them.
Avoid mistakes after a car accident with help from a Houston car accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC. Our experienced team will give you guidance so you make the right decisions. To schedule a free consultation, fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247.