Man Dies After Falling Out Of Moving Vehicle

It can be scary to get into an argument with someone while in a vehicle. If you’re driving, you may be concerned that the person will try to take the steering wheel away from you or distract you in some other way. If you are the passenger, you might be scared of the driver’s actions. They may be driving erratically and you may think the only way to stay safe is to exit the vehicle—even while the car is in motion. This is not always the best idea. It is scary, dangerous, and can lead to death.
A man was recently killed after falling out of a moving vehicle in Houston. The fatal accident happened on the morning of June 3.
It is believed that several people got into an argument at a convenience store located at Irvington Boulevard and Kelley Street. There was a back and forth argument over a car being stolen. A woman took off in a Chevrolet Impala, and a man jumped into the driver’s side window. The man, who was in his 50s, fell out the window. He landed on the pavement and hit his head, suffering a fatal injury. The woman drove off.
A family member of the victim caught up with the Impala and crashed into it. However, the woman still has not been arrested. Police want to speak with her to determine why she fled the scene and what she knows about the situation. It is unknown if the woman was fleeing for her safety or committing a crime. Police have a good idea of her whereabouts.
Most of the people involved in the argument on Kelley Street. Police will be tracking them down and figuring about the details of what happened before the man was killed.
Jumping From a Speeding Vehicle
If you are ever in the situation where you need to jump from a speeding vehicle, there are ways to go about it safely. Here are the steps to take:
- Open the car door as wide as possible so you don’t get caught on the door.
- Look for a good landing spot. Avoid pavement; look for grass or dirt instead. Avoid rocks, road signs, and other obstacles.
- Jump perpendicular to the movement of the car so you don’t roll toward the road.
- Lower your head and tuck yourself into a ball.
- Roll when you land.
- Stay away from the road so you don’t get hit by a car.
- Seek medical help right away.
Contact a Personal Injury Lawyer
Falling or jumping out of a moving vehicle is never a smart idea. Chances are, you will get seriously injured or killed.
In these cases, you may not be able to sue someone else for negligence unless they pushed you out of the vehicle. Otherwise, contact Houston auto accident attorney from The West Law Office, PLLC for help with your case. To schedule a free consultation with our office, fill out the online form or call 281-347-3247.